Monthly Archives: April 2013

Summer slippage

Last year, the Foundation became aware of a phenomenon called Summer Slippage or Summer Learning Loss. Summer slippage is what happens to kids over the summer months as they lose what they have learned the previous spring and often come back to school in the fall academically behind. Unfortunately, it hits underprivileged students, who don’t have access to books or activities over the summer months, hardest. 

There’s a good description of it in this NYT Opinion piece. (And here are some tips on how to prevent the “summer slide.”)

Learning about this issue prompted the Foundation to donate money to a variety of Kern County nonprofits involved in summer learning activities. One of those was Lightwave Education. Based on national program, Lightwave offers summer school enrichment that includes academic and physical education, as well as stressing self-worth and community.Image

(Lightwave in action!)

Thanks to Della and the United Way of Kern County for pointing us to Lightwave.

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